
Delightful Polish Paczki: A Real Paczki Recipe

Sweet green pistachio donut with pistachio pieces and drizzled icing

This real paczki recipe is the only one you need to find for a delicious snack with strong Polish heritage. Any day you want something special, particularly on Fat Thursday (Tłusty Czwartek), these fluffy, sweet doughnuts are ideal. Make crispy exterior, fluffy interior, and deliciously pistachio cremeux paczki recipe by following this comprehensive recipe.


For The Starter:

Milk, 125 millilitres warm
3 tbsp flour semolina
One tablespoon sugar
50 grammes fresh yeast

Regarding The Dough

Six egg yolks,
150 g semolina flour,
350 g all-purpose flour,
125 ml warm milk
Sugar, three tablespoons
Rapeseed oil, 50 millilitres
Some salt
40 millilitres of spirit (vodka, for instance)

For Artistic Frying:

Seven lard blocks or one liter of frying oil
White chocolate, around 150 grammes
Two to three tablespoons chopped, roasted pistachios (salted if desired)


Step One: Make The Starter First.

To a small bowl, crumble the yeast, then add the sugar and whisk until the yeast liquefies.
Combine well the semolina flour and warm milk.
Give the starting fifteen minutes to rise in a warm area.

Step Two: Prepare The Dough.

Beat the sugar into the egg yolks until the mixture is light and airy.
Sift the flours and salt together in an other bowl.
To the flour mixture, add the rising starting.
Beat in the remaining milk, alcohol, rapeseed oil and beaten yolks. Work the contents into a silky, elastic dough by kneeding. The dough ought to come free of the bowl’s sides.
Put a towel over the bowl and let it to rise in a warm location for about an hour, or until it has doubled in size.

Step Three: Form The Paczki

Step onto your work surface dusted with flour. Work the dough for two to three minutes to remove any air.
Form the dough into a two-centimeter-thickness. Cut circles with a glass to a diameter of between 6 and 6.5 cm.
Lay the dough rings, with room between them, on a floured surface. Give them a fresh cloth to cover and let to rise in a warm area for twenty to thirty minutes.

Step Four: Deep-Fry The Paczki

Heat the lard or oil in a deep saucepan to 170–175°C about 15 minutes before the paczki finish rising.
Arrange paper towel-lined plates and have a slotted spoon ready.
Fry the paczki in little batches—no more than five at a time—for three minutes on each side, or until golden brown.
Turn the fried paczki out onto paper towels to drain.

Step Five: Decoration And Serving

Microwave or double boiler the white chocolate until melted.
Spoon pistachio cremeux into the heated paczki right away.
For the tops of the paczki, dip them in melted white chocolate and scatter chopped, toasted pistachios.

Savor your delicious home-made paczki recipe! Your guests and family will love and your kitchen will smell like Poland with this paczki recipe. These paczki recipes are a great treat for any occasion, whether you eat them straight out of the oven or give them as a sweet present. Many happy bakings!

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